Dave Murray & Adrian Smith-Iron Maiden
Yngwie Malmsteen
Eddie Van Halen-Van Halen
Randy Rhoads-Ozzy
Ross the Boss-Manowar
Andy Larocque-King Diamond / Mercyful Fate
Gear: OH BOY here we go!
Guitars-B.C. Rich Assassin ( USA Made) Custom, Jackson Dinky Reverse, ESP LTD M-207 7 String, Guild Starfire
Amp-Marshall 9200 Dual Mono Bloc Power Amp, ADA MP1 Preamp
Cabinets-Marshall Cabinets
Effects-Digitech Quad 4 MultiEffects Processor, Lexicon ALEX Digital Reverb. Rack controlled by a Lexicon MPX R1 Midi foot controller.
Currently Listening To:
Queensryche-Promised Land
Hades-Exist to Resist
Manowar-The Kingdom of Steel
Fates Warning-Chasing Time
Q. How did you start out playing the guitar?
A. "When I was 12, my mother bought me a guitar and amp for Christmas. I had no clue how to play anything but was cranking out noise since day one. Then I was taking lessons from a local music school but never felt like I was really getting anywhere in the world of Rock and Metal. Then through Ron ( we all grew up in the same neighborhood ), I met the very original guitar player from Agressor and started taking lessons from there and things really progressed and the more I played the more I wanted to learn. After that, I took lessons from a great guitar player and all around musician, Elliot Murphy. He has been compared to folks like Tom Petty. He really taught me to not only limit myself to understanding music on the guitar but in all instruments and all types of music."
Q. How did you get involved with Magus Beast (AGRESSOR)?
A. "Well, after I started taking lessons from Rommel Roy, the original guitarist from Agressor, I wound up becoming the Roadie for the band. After the original band split up Ron was looking to do something with the original drummer Dave Barckow. For months I asked to try out and I think Ron was hesitant thinking I might be just a carbon copy of the guitarist he just spent time in the band with. Ultimately he decided to give me a shot and well, the rest is history. If it didn’t work out, you wouldn’t be reading this."
Q. How has the band survived all of these years?
A. "Well, we had nothing else to do! Actually, Ron is the only true original member of the band. I am the next closest thing. Ron and I really enjoy making music and we have fun doing it. Even if a member left or was asked to leave, Ron and I just kept at it because we enjoy it so much. There was a point where Tim had left the band and we had another bass player, the replacement may not have been the perfect fit but just kept going and Tim obviously came back to rejoin us. Steve left in 1997 when he moved out to Phoenix, Arizona. We have gone through several drummers but for some reason, Steve has always been the one who has come through for us. How many people do you know who would travel 2,500 miles to play a show and not get paid a ton of money?"
Q. I see you were originally a one guitar band , now you are a two guitar band, how did this come about?
A. "The idea of a second guitar player came about because we always wanted to add a thicker and richer element to our music. I loved things like Maiden, Priest and Queensryche. That extra texture that comes with harmonies and stuff like that, was what I was really looking to do with our sound. I looked around and when we found Andy, it seemed to be the perfect fit and has been since he joined. We are now writing material that really works well for the a two guitar setup. We get to add all sorts of harmonies and stuff right from the birth of a song, not something you add in later, now that there is a second guitar player."
Q. How does playing live shows now compare to earlier shows?
A. "We have a HELL of a lot more gear and nobody but us to carry it! We have been at it a very long time and have really worked our way through the ranks. Nowadays, we are regularly opening for bands like Overkill, Fates Warning, Savatage, Virgin Steele and the list goes on and on. We are having a lot more doors opened up to us in the bigger venues now as opposed to way back in the beginning."
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